Thursday, September 28, 2006

Try living this end!!

On a nice 'quiet' Bank Holiday' morning in a nice 'dead village' they strike up no sooner than 8-20 am. First you hear a chain saw, ( someone chopping down yet another tree in Brightwalton! )....then next "I don't believe it!" a strimmer, over the back is a lawn mower cranking up,then Jewson arrives to unload yet more building materials and somebody then gets a hammer out and starts banging their house to bits or building it?.. then the old Chilton skips are getting filled up--- its DIY heaven on a Bank Holiday and God help you if you happen to be on nights!! But after all the Church grounds look very nice!!
I re-name this village "re-'Building Brightwalton' " BIY = (Build it Yourself) Why don't people buy a house that is big enough to start with?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dead Village?

Just a quick post, Does anyone else get the feeling that brightwalton is feeling a little, well, dead? c'mon people, lets liven the place up a bit!